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In case of emergency 假如發生緊急狀況 .....ICE概念

Dear All, We all carry our mobile phones with hundreds of names/numbers stored in its memory but yet nobody, other than ourselves, knows which of these numbers belong to our near and dear ones?


 In case we are involved in an accident or had a heart attack and the people attending us get hold of our mobile phone but don't know which number to call to inform our family members. Yes, there are many numbers stored but which one is the contact person in case of an emergency?

假如我們身陷在意外中或心臟病發時, 而照料我們的人員要用我們的手機通知我們的家人時, 卻不知要打哪支號碼. 當然,手機中儲存著許多號碼, 但哪一支是緊急聯絡人的號碼呢 ?!

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這世界變化快。上個禮拜才說「拿出你的悠遊卡跟自動販賣機買東西吧 」是個假設性的說法,結果沒隔兩天就有業者開記者會,說他家的NFC晶片如何應用,其中就包括了跟自動販賣機買東西。不過這並非是全台灣的販賣機都能享有這等「科技」,現在最新消息是只有黑松的販賣機會裝這個裝置。

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